WiFi Security-Ways to Keep Your Wireless Network Secure

How to enhance your WiFi security?

The following tips are some simple steps everyone should take for wifi security. By securing your wifi home broadband router (Mi router in this case). For other routers, you can refer to the manuals.

To set up and manage a router you’ll need to gain access to the admin controls.

1. Get a strong Router Admin username and password

This is usually done by navigating to an IP address in a web browser (for example, then entering a password. The steps vary for each model(in my case it’s Instructions are available in the manual of the device manufacturer. The password must be complex, long(more than 8 characters) and strong consisting of alphabets (uppercase as well as lowercase), numbers, special characters, etc. It is good practice to change your WiFi password every couple of months to secure your WiFi.

2. Change your network name (SSID)

It is important to change your network’s default SSID name as it can give some details of your internet provider and type of modem/router.  Even if it does not explicitly say your provider in the network name, many providers tend to use their default credentials. You can even hide your SSID. And every time you connect a new device you need to feed SSID as well as password to get connected. This extra layer moves you one step ahead for WiFi security.

3. Update your modem/router software/firmware if available.

Many of us use a WiFi router that’s a few years old.  It becomes very easy to forget about your working router. If you forget to update its firmware and perform overall maintenance on your network. As WiFi and internet technology are changing and upgrading over time, hackers and cybercriminals also keep ongoingly updated and always search for weak links. So, log in once a month at least in your router, and check for any firmware update available. Or you can change the update setting to automatic for updating your WiFi router automatically. This is a must for every router for increasing WiFi security.

4. Monitor Devices Connected to Your Network

You can very easily monitor the mac address of the devices that are connected to your router. You can see a total of 04 devices are connected in the above picture. If you notice an unknown device (unknown mac address) connected with your network you can permanently block that device. You can permanently block any particular mac address (or device) to access your wifi. In the above picture, you can see the internet access radio button against each connected device. You can also configure only a few authorized mac addresses to access the internet through your WiFi router. And this is one of the best ways to achieve WiFi security.

5. Select the right wireless security protocol.

There are two types of encryption standards that you can select from depending on the needs of your wireless network:

-WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy): This is the very basic wireless encryption standard. Only consider using this standard if you use older devices. But I recommend not to use this standard.

-WPA/WPA2 (Wireless Protected Access 2): Although WPA and WPA2 were once two different wireless protocol standards, nowadays, they are usually associated together. WPA/WPA2 or just WPA2 is the most secure wireless security protocol. However, its main drawback is that it cannot be securely paired with technology manufactured before 2006.

You must have heard about a recent flaw in WiFi security called the Krack Wifi bug. This bug was related to wireless security protocol (WPA/WEP/WPA2). For more details about the Krack wifi bug, you can go through this article.

6. Never disable Firewall

Nowadays most routers are having firewall settings. Never disable the firewall to get some extra access. You will always be a loser if you disable it.

7. Avoid port forwarding on the wifi router.

Some internet users try port forwarding in order to host a website from home or for playing online games. But I can tell you it is very risky as by doing so you are giving easy access to hackers to enter your Wi-Fi LAN and steal your precious data. Many users also use DMZ services by allowing a device to use DMZ which is even riskier than port forwarding.

8. WPS button on Router

Do not keep your WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) button switched on unnecessarily on your router. Because when you switch it on you need not require a wifi password to access your internet at that time. It is basically a shortcut given to access the internet when you aren’t aware of a WiFi password. But this shortcut can be injurious to your network. Use it safely or simply remember your password and stop using the WPS button.

9. Go for wired Internet rather than using WiFi.

Besides the above tips, you also need to follow some basic tips for browsing the internet safely. If possible go for a wired internet connection rather than using WiFi. Because nowadays major vulnerabilities are available for WiFi. You must have heard about IoT (INTERNET OF THINGS). A simple ESP 8266 can very easily jam all the WiFi signals in your area or locality. So, you can see there are many ways available to hamper your WiFi connection.  So my advice is to use a wired internet connection. After going through this serious article let’s have fun with some funny Wifi names (SSID).


Nowadays most people use WiFi to access the internet. Wired Internet nowadays is limited to desktops only in the offices. As the popularity of mobile, tablet, laptop increases the popularity of WiFi is also increasing exponentially. Nobody wants to remain connected with a wire on his laptop. The ease of access to WiFi is so good that almost everyone uses WiFi rather than wired LAN cable.

WiFi is good but we also need to have a look at the security aspects of WiFi. If you are a normal user then it is ok. But if you deal with classified data the WiFi can be an issue. Thanks for visiting my article. If you have anything else to say you can comment below.

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